Thursday, February 3, 2011

What do ancient Jews and mondern day Christians have in common?

No this isn't the set up to a bad joke.  Recently I recognized an important similarity between these two groups separated by a couple thousand years and theological differences.  Christians should take this to heart.

Today some are quick to point to Jews as being focused on legalism and not paying enough attention to the heart.  While it is true that the Jewish religion focuses on the law, we often miss the bigger picture and fail to see the whole story.  If we looked deeper we might be surprised to see a reflection not unlike ourselves.  Beyond the misappropriated focus of law was something much more poisonous to the heart.  What should be troubling to Christians is that Jews were very concerned with their hearts (as Christians often are).  Historical writings provide examples of prayers that start by asking God for a heart to obey the law, and for God to change their heart.  This is true of prayers in the OT and also can be seen in non-scriptural writings like the apocrypha and other texts.  (Historical evidence of common practice - Again Not Scripture) So what went so wrong?

The real poison is found in their desire to culturally assimilate (blend in).  Various texts show different levels of their intent (keep in mind the early disciples were Jewish but many spoke Greek = studied in Greek Schools), but some Jews took it to the extreme.  The most extreme would undergo a surgical procedure to make themselves uncircumcised.  Literally putting back the foreskin (possibly a set of procedures of cutting and stretching or a kind of primitive grafting procedure).  OUCH!  That is a pretty intense desire to fit in.

Why? Because unfortunately (for him) if a Jew really wanted to fit in he had to take part in Greek culture.  For Greeks the gymnasium was a part of everyday life and education.  It was the common practice and expected of all men in Greek societies to exercise nude.  Therefore, fitting in for the circumcised was impossible without such a procedure. 

Although, clearly God wanted his own to be set apart, who (on earth) could blame them for wanting to fit in.  Consider years and years of being without a king and kingdom-less, spending centuries under Persians then Greek rule, and being persecuted for traditions and laws.  I can certainly understand how they might lose their hope.

Today we see a similar kind of willingness to culturally assimilate.  Over 70% of Americans identify with Christianity.  But when you go to work, school, the mall, turn on the TV, or go just about anywhere else are you finding that 70% of the people, the products, or programming reflecting a 70% Christian attitude?  Do they even reflect 10% Christian attitude?  Are there "Christian" Book stores that that reflect less than 70%?  With #s like 70% if we refused to blend in both media and market would naturally follow.  We don't see Christian attitudes in reflected in today's society because we aren't seeking them!

The sad thing is that unlike ancient Jews modern Christians are completely without excuse!  We do not even know real persecution in America.  Furthermore, God has warned us of the coming persecutions, commanded us to be bold, and sent us the Holy Spirt to help.  But ask yourself, are we different?, are we bold? 

Who is commanding your destiny?  God or Fear?

1 comment:

  1. What should a Christian look like? Read 1 John and check your lifestyle against the three revolving tests. Doctrine or Belief (What do you believe about yourself and what do you believe about Jesus?), Moral or Behavioral (Do you love and obey the Law and commandments?)and Relational (Do you love Jesus and other Believers?)

    Good Stuff!!!!
